09.09.2020 Round Table 2020
Half a year ago, there was no way to say if the pandemic situation would allow to hold the traditional autumn meeting with our partners: the world was rapidly rearranging itself towards the remote working, the conferences and round tables either turned into online meetings or got cancelled. As soon as mass event limitations were removed, Metallurgical Plant Electrostal issued invitations to all partners throughout Russia. Just under 50 companies agreed; both our partners and we had a lot to discuss – experience gained on survival in crisis, plans for the future, price policy, etc.
The pandemic taught us to value personal, real-life communication, so our round table meeting had a very special spirit.
In response to the government program for increasing the number of military aircrafts, many enterprises have undergone the modernization and reconstruction processes. Large investments were made to gain the auxiliary productive capacity that now, when the program has come to an end, become redundant. Effective use of these auxiliary resources is a pressing issue for many enterprises, including Metallurgical Plant Electrostal. So on the meeting it was emphasized that our plant is especially interested in long-term contracts with clear payment system.
It was also pointed out that Metallurgical Plant Electrostal would like to examine quotations pertain to the new promising areas: Ti-based alloys and powder metallurgy.
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