19.04.2016 The 2nd International Aero-Engine Manufacturing Forum

The 2nd International Aero-Engine Manufacturing Forum (MFD-2016) held in Moscow on April 19-21, 2016, has gathered developers and manufacturers of high-technology and science-based products of aircraft engine building sphere. The Forum was organized by the Association of Aero-Engine Manufacturers (ASSAD).

“Metallurgical Plant “Electrostal” JSC has participated in the Forum, where Director General Evgeny V. Shilnikov gave a speech at the plenary session. The representatives of the company have attended scientific and technical conferences and held a number of business meeting and talks.

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Акционерное общество «Металлургический завод «Электросталь»
Адрес: 144002, Россия, Московская обл.,
г. Электросталь, ул. Железнодорожная, д. 1
Телефон: +7(496) 577-12-52
Факс: +7(496) 577-02-80
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AG "Metallurgisches Werk "Elektrostal"
Zheleznodoroznaja Str.1 Electrostal, Moskauer Gebiet, Russland, 144002
Tel: +7(496) 577-12-52
Fax: +7(496) 577-02-80
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Metallurgical Plant “Electrostal” JSC
Zheleznodorozhnaya, 1, Electrostal city, Moscow region, Russia, 144002
Tel: +7(496) 577-12-52
Fax: +7(496) 577-02-80
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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